Open Chords


C Major

C Major Fingering #1

C Major Fingering #2

C Major Notes: C E G

C Major Scale Degrees

Open Chords - Cadd9

Cadd9  Fingering #1

(Quite common - but not as useful as #2)

Cadd9  Fingering #2

(Cadd9 (Fingering #2) Great open chord for acoustic & changing to G Major)

Some chord diagrams have an "O" at the top of a string

This is to let you know that this 'open' string is played as it is a note present in the chord. 

For example, here the notes G and E are part of the Cadd9 chord.

Sometimes chord diagrams have an "X" indicating the a string should NOT be Played

Here the low E (6th string) shouldn’t be played.

Cadd9 - Notes and Scale Degrees

BB King - The King of The Blues

Notes that make Cadd9 


Cadd9 Scale Degrees