Moveable Chords 'C'

The Moveable 'C' 7

Dominant 7. Fingering (C7)

Dominant 7. Notes (C7)

Dominant 7. Scale Degrees (C7)

D7 (Notes)

E7 (Notes)

The Moveable 'C' 7 - Smaller version (D7 shape)

D7 (C7 shape, 2 Root notes)

Notice how this movable "C7" shape contains no 5th but it does have 2 root notes... Well, we really don't need to play both roots, so we can simplify this chord further.

If we don't play the higher root (in this example the high D on the 3rd fret of the B string), It does not change the chord...

This voicing of the Dominant 7th chord still contains the Root (D) and the most important notes (the tritones), F# (the 3rd) and C (the Dominant 7th).

D7 (notes)

D7 (Scale degrees)

Now that we have omitted the high root note, we are left with a simplified voicing of the Dominant 7th chord. The Chord can be fingered using easy (D7 fingering), and the Root note is on the A string. e.g. play this veriosn of the Dominant 7th chord with the Root at the 8th fret and you'll be voicing a nice F7 chord!

A7 (Notes) (12th Fret)

D7 (Notes) (5th Fret)

E7 (Notes) (7th Fret)